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Does Public Adjuster Marketing Support Exist?

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Searching high and searching low.

Outside of these so called lead generation companies, support for independent public adjusters just isn't there.

Even looking to the larger agencies, there is no sign of a sophisticated marketing & data platform that supports public adjusters with finding prospects.

The best an agency has done is offer to pay for a license and point their public adjusters to weather maps. With a slap on the back and a "good luck" slogan, off they go! Wasting precious time knocking on the wrong doors and making bad phone calls.

Sure, eventually they will get a deal but how many doors and how many phone calls does a public adjuster have to make before they hit a deal?

What if the public adjuster could increase their offensive and get more shots on goal?

By steering the public adjuster in the right direction, we can increase their sales capacity by over 1,000%.

It is crazy to me that massive work forces go out into the field without knowing where to go.

Says Chief Technology Officer, Theo Patestos.

While it certainly is a tremendous inefficiency, it is the norm...I guess the old adage of "don't fix what's not broken" is true in the public adjuster space.

Claim Machine is here to change that. It's time for a new approach. One that is more efficient and supportive.

To learn more and get a discount on weather impacted properties visit us

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